Hot Dog

Current Mint Fee: ฮž 0
Mintable: 0
Uniswap logoSwap

Balance: 0 hot dogs

Your Stats
Minted: 0 hot dogs
Burned: 0 hot dogs

Overall Stats
Total Minters: 0
Total Burners: 0
Total Minted: 0 hot dogs
Total Burned: 0 hot dogs
Hotdog logo

AirDrop #1

Contract: EtherScan

1% of the initial supply will be distributed to the first 420,069 wallets to claim funds.

The registration fee will be used to provide liquidity on Uniswap and pay for contracts.

Registration Fee: ฮž 0Tokens Claimable: 24,392,182.4579


Contract: EtherScan

The Hot Dog (HOTDOG) token uses a Proof-Of-Burn mechanism to mint tokens, while the Chilly Dog (BRRRR) token uses a Proof-Of-Mint mechanism to mint tokens.

Hot Dog is targeted at the popular Shiba Inu token (SHIB)'s 3 burn addresses that can be found on

Aside from demonstrating the Proof-Of-Burn and registry this may incentivise increased burning of SHIB.

When SHIB tokens are burned (except to 0x address), 50% of the burnt amount becomes mintable by the Hot Dog (HOTDOG) token.

Anyone can initiate the minting process by calling the mint function on the Hot Dog (HOTDOG) token's smart contract.

Hot Dog has a hard cap of less than 25% of SHIB's burned tokens, as 50% have already been burned.

Why mint?

In the near future an AirDrop reward system will be deployed to give the first x number of minters and the last x number of minters a percentage of the initial supply.

The AirDrops will be triggerable by anyone after a waiting period.

The same may apply for burners.


The mint fee increases every time the mint function is called.

This should limit the supply and prevent abuse of the AirDrop system.

Fees from minting will initially be used to provide liquidity.

Later on, if feasible, fees will go towards stretch goals.